Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Experience Designer

FCAi is Fidelity’s internal digital marketing agency. We design and build rich media solutions with a focus on highly interactive, highly visual experiences. We succeed when we:

Focus on what the customer wants vs. what the product does
Make it interesting or, at the very least, relevant
Drive the belief that the Web is an interactive medium; it works best when customers put something of themselves into the experience
Measure and test; measure and test

Experience design integrates a broad range of digital media disciplines including interaction design, interface design, and motion graphics.

The experienced experience designer will:

- Design and develop creative solutions. You feel comfortable with innovation, with the insight that 98% of all ideas end up in the trash, with the knowledge that the right concept is good but the truly great work lives in the 1001 implementation details.

- Be a part of a team. Great design is about bringing to life a clear strategy. To do this well you need a team around you. To write, to code, understand the business, project manage, brainstorm, and discuss Britney Spear’s new haircut.

- Know your stuff and be hungry to learn what you don’t know. Specifically, the tools of the trade. Ideally you’ll be part designer, part engineer, part something completely true to you.
Contact: Chris Needham,

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